Middle Manager


Alison Review


Online(Course Link)


On Demand

Course Categories

Business and Management


Yes(Middle Manager)



Course Fees


No. of Attendant


Acquired Skills/Covered Subjects

  • Analyze the ethics and social responsibility of a middle management position,Outline processes for managing information,Explain how to maintain control,Recognize and adapt to innovation and change,Discuss the skills needed for managing teams
Provider Name Alison
Training Areas
  • Business and Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Fashion and Beauty
  • Humanities and ARTS
  • IT, Technology and Software
  • Languages
  • Math, Science and Engineering
  • Media and Photography
  • Medical, Fitness, Healthcare and Safety
  • Personal Development
  • Politics and Economy
  • Social Sciences
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Training and Education
  • Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
  • Others
Website https://alison.com/
About The Provider

Alison is one of the world’s largest free learning platforms for education and skills training. It is a for-profit social enterprise dedicated to making it possible for anyone, to study anything, anywhere, at any time, for free online, at any subject level. Through our mission we are a catalyst for positive social change, creating opportunity, prosperity, and equality for everyone.

Alison was founded in Galway, Ireland, in 2007 and has grown organically to become a major force in free online education and skills training. Today, with more than 13 million learners in 195 countries, Alison is changing how the world learns and up-skills.

They are committed to equality and access to education and skills training irrespective of gender, geography, economic status or any other barriers that can so often stunt potential. So they offer a range of free courses that meet the many diverse needs of our learners. The UN declared in Article 26 of the 1946 Declaration of Human Rights that “Education shall be free…”. This statement will always inspire us.

Alison was founded by Alison CEO, Mike Feerick. Mike is a businessman, but one with a difference. He believes in social impact, and that you can build a financially successful business focused on meeting a huge global social need, making education and skills training more accessible for everyone. He invites anyone who believes that too, to support the Alison mission.

Alison is free of charge to you. But it’s still a business – albeit a socially-focused one. We are a social enterprise making our money through advertising, merchandise, and the sale of Certificates and Diplomas, should a graduate choose to buy one.

This course, Middle Manager, will provide you with an understanding of the skills needed to manage others. You will learn about ethics and social responsibility in the field of middle management. You will be able to explain how to act ethically and what that means, as well as what your social responsibilities are as a manager. You will also learn about the process for managing information.

This course then explains in more detail the process for decision making. You will learn about what goes into making big decisions that will affect those that work under you as well as yourself. You will also learn about keeping and maintaining control.

This course then wraps up by discussing organizational strategy, innovation, change, organizational structures, managing teams, motivation, and leadership. You will learn strategies for getting and staying organized as well as ways to adapt to innovation and change. By taking this course you will learn fundamental skills to support your success in a middle management position, from managing teams to motivating and leading those teams to success. So why wait? Start learning today

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