بناء فريق ذو هدف


LinkedIn Learning Review


Online(رابط الدورة)


عند الطلب

أقسام الدورات

تجارة و إدارة


Yes(Certificate of Completion)



رسوم الدورة

(التحقق من صفحة الدورة لآخر سعر) 28.52 دولار أمريكي

عدد الحضور

غير محدود

المهارات المكتسبة

  • The Fundamentals of Hybrid Team Building
  • The Logistics of Hybrid Team Building
  • Team Building Ideas and Examples
اسم مقدم الدورة LinkedIn Learning
مجالات التدريب
  • تجارة و إدارة
  • التسويق الرقمي
  • الموضة و الجمال
  • إنسانيات
  • نظم معلومات و تكنولوجيا
  • لغات
  • الرياضيات والعلوم و الهندسة
  • التصوير والمرئيات
  • طبي , لياقة ورعاية صحية
  • تطوير الذات
  • السياسة و الاقتصاد
  • علوم الاجتماع
  • الخدمات اللوجستية و سلاسل الإمداد
  • التدريب والتعليم
  • السفر و السياحة
  • أخرى
موقعك الإلكتروني (URL) https://www.linkedin.com/learning/
حول المزود

LinkedIn Learning is an American website offering video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills. It is a subsidiary of LinkedIn.

It was founded in 1995 by Lynda Weinman as Lynda.com before being acquired by LinkedIn in 2015.Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in December 2016.

Thriving in a hybrid team environment, where part or all of the team is virtual and others are in the office, is challenging. How do we operate effectively and in a way that feels good for all of us? How do we gel and bond as a team, build trust, and explore how to be better partners for one another? Compared to in-person teams, virtual and hybrid teams spend less time focusing on these important aspects of team health. In this course, Melanie Proshchenko explores how to take what we’ve learned about creating real value in team building and apply it to our hybrid teams. Melanie shares her advice on how to foster cohesive and effective virtual and hybrid teams using team-building activities that don’t waste time and get you and your team something tangible, not just fun and games. Here, you’ll see a whole host of tools, ideas, and techniques for designing virtual team off-sites, meetings, and activities that make a difference

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